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EGBZ Share Holders & Representatives Attending The Project's Launch At KFIA In Conjunction with GACA, DACO & CUSTOMS officials.

The Eastern Gateway logistical Services company (EGLSC ) was established as an investment vehicle to fund the development of a Multi-Model Bonded & Re-Export Zone at Dammam’s KFIA. The new facility will trade as The Eastern Gateway Bonded & Re export Zone (EGBZ ). The Ownership structure of the EGLSC is comprised of a consortium of prominent Saudi Arabian merchant families that include:- Albawardi Group – ALMuhaidib Group – Abdullatif ALIssa Group – Gulf Shipping Company ( A Division of Globe Marine Company ). This will be the second Saudi Arabian Bonded Logistics project founded & owned by The Consortium, the first being The Dammam Bonded & Re-Export Zone, A Bonded zone launched in 2000 at Dammam’s King Abdul Aziz Sea Port, now managed in conjunction with Hutchinson Ports Holdings, the world’s largest Container Terminal Operator.
The inspiration to establish the Eastern Gateway Bonded & Re-Export Zone at KFIA in conjunction with the Kingdom’s 2030 economic plan is to offer the zone’s Domestic, Regional & International users a range of enhanced Freight processing & customs clearance services, along With a wider range of Cargo routing options. The EGBZ’s operational objective is to be Saudi Arabia’s most efficient & flexible Inland Port.
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